DDC offers performances that encompass an assortment of shows beyond the concert hall. We have educational as well as seasonal performances. Our educational performances include: Cartoon Jazz; History of Jazz; Jazz Kaleidoscope; Jazz & Poetry: A Fusion; and Texas Tenors
Our seasonal performances include: The Afro-American Experience; Celebrate Mexico – Cinco de Mayo; Holiday Jazz; and Harambee! It’s KWANZAA Time.
DDC Educational Performances, a division of the Dinky Drum Company, LLC (DDC) goal is to enrich minds through music. DDC would like to bring one of our shows to your Schools, Community Centers, Library’s, or Churches.
From Ragtime, to Dixieland, to the Blues, to Swing and more; enjoy the award winning Music Education Show.
"Cartoon Jazz" - (meet) The Flintstones, The Pink Panther, Scooby Doo (Main Theme) and many more favorite cartoon theme songs are a part of this fun Music Education Show.
A Jazz Kaleidoscope" is a fun look through song of the colors of the rainbow or spectrum.
Enjoy this fun Educational Show that puts together the two popular art forms of Jazz and Poetry.
Among the many traditions in Texas is the sound of the Texas Tenor Saxophone. The Tenor Saxophone is the featured voice of this DDC Educational Show. The music of some of the great musicians who are credited with the Texas Tenor sound is featured. From Illinois Jacquet to Arnett Cobb to Grady Gaines and many others
In the month of February, join us on this journey, thru song and narration, as this Educational Show tells the story with the musical styles of Bembe’, Spirituals, the Blues, Jazz, Soul, Reggae and Rhythm and Blues - with a splash of Poetry.
This Educational Show, in the month of May, enlightens the listener, through song, about Mexican courage and tenacity during their victory in 1862 over French forces at the Battle of Puebla.
This hands-on Percussion Educational Presentation, for the month of December, shares with Students and Teachers about the Nguzo Saba (the 7 principals of Kwanzaa) with African Drums, Percussion and Folk Songs.
The Educational Show for the holiday’s (right after Thanksgiving) is appropriately called Holiday Jazz. Enjoy the music of the season with songs & melodies from the festival of lights – Chanukah, Christmas and Kwanzaa.